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When you’re busy planning your wedding in full throttle, the last thing on your mind is “gee, I should probably get my Ketubah framed”.
And you’re right – compared to the bigger wedding arrangements (like the wedding dress, food, seating arrangements, etc’), framing a Ketubah seems like a minuscule thing, doesn’t it?
Heck, a naive bride might even think: “Pfff, a Ketubah frame? Who the hell needs that?”
That is until your Ketubah is knocked over at the wedding ceremony, someone spills some Kiddush wine on it, or your 8-year-old cousin touches the Ketubah with his greasy hands from the Schnitzel he just ate…
That’s when you realize: “Gee, I wish would’ve framed my Ketubah” …
Moral of the story? Don’t neglect the little things, if the little things can come back and bite you in the as*.
So today, we’re going to apply that moral and learn how to frame your Ketubah properly 🙂
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