25+ Best Shofar Horns & Kosher Shofar Types from Israel [Kudu, Ram’s Horn & Exotic] (2022)

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Tuuuuuu (Tekiah).

Tuuu-tuuu-tuuu-tuuu (Teruah).

Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu (Shevarim).

(Don’t worry, my finger didn’t get stuck on the keyboard)

Any Jewish person who has ever attended the synagogue during the high holy days recognizes these sounds: indeed, it is the sound (or rather, a verbal representation) of the Shofar – the famous Jewish horn played during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

What you probably didn’t know, however, is that there are over a dozen Shofar types out there, most of which you have never even seen (let alone heard) in your entire life… (I know, right?)

In this Shofar guide – not only will I reveal every single one of them, but I will also show you exactly where and how to get them!

Excited? You should be… We’re gonna have a blast! (see what I did there?)

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20+ Unique Rosh Hashanah Table Setting Ideas, Decorations & Centerpieces (2022)

Amen V'Amen is supported by its audience. That means when you purchase something from one of our partners through one of our links, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Amen V'Amen is also an Amazon Associate, so we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!

Pop quiz:

  • How do you decorate your table for Rosh Hashanah?
  • How do you give your place a warm, spiritual Rosh Hashanah atmosphere your guests will LOVE?
  • How do you make sure your guests start off their new year with a sweet “apple & honey taste”?

Smartass Answer: Well, you could serve apples & honey 😏”

Haha, very funny (NOT)!

You obviously want, could and WILL do better than that… I guarantee it!

By the time you finish reading this guide, you’ll have everything you need to set the best Rosh Hashanah table in the entire neighborhood…

Sound good?

Great! Let’s get to it then!

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15+ Unique Rosh Hashanah Favors & Party Supplies for the Jewish New Year (2022)

Amen V'Amen is supported by its audience. That means when you purchase something from one of our partners through one of our links, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Amen V'Amen is also an Amazon Associate, so we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!

Decorating your Rosh Hashanah table is great and all…

But what happens when the dinner is over? That’s it? Party over? 

It’s one thing to send your guests home with their tummies full. But if you really want them to remember your Rosh Hashanah dinner – even after the wine wears off – you’ve got to give them really good reasons to remember it… 

Did I say good reasons? I meant really good Rosh Hashanah favors

These unique party supplies and giveaways will guarantee that your guests will remember your Rosh Hashanah dinner party long after the blowing of the Shofar.

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25+ Traditional Rosh Hashanah Gift Ideas for the Jewish New Year (2022)

Amen V'Amen is supported by its audience. That means when you purchase something from one of our partners through one of our links, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Amen V'Amen is also an Amazon Associate, so we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!

Another year has passed… can you believe it?

It seems like last year’s Rosh Hashanah was just yesterday, yet here we are again!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go grab a seat at the dinner table… on the menu: Gefilte Fish, Apple & Honey,  and some fish head. Mmmm sounds yummy (not)!

HOLD IT. Aren’t you forgetting something?

Don’t tell me you’re planning to arrive at a Rosh Hashanah dinner table empty-handed? Oy vey… Big mistake!

You better load up on a few Rosh Hashanah gifts for your loved ones, quick… Or else, you may wake up next to a fish head with your name on it (you know, mafia-style)!

Just kidding… (but seriously – don’t you dare arrive to a Rosh Hashanah dinner empty-handed )

Let’s cut to the chace: if you’re looking for an appropriate present to can bring to a Rosh Hashanah dinner table – then hold your horses apples, honey bee… Because this gift guide is buzzing with unique Rosh Hashanah gift ideas!

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10 Traditional Rosh Hashanah Flowers & Flower Arrangements for the Jewish New Year (2022)

Amen V'Amen is supported by its audience. That means when you purchase something from one of our partners through one of our links, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Amen V'Amen is also an Amazon Associate, so we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support!

Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish new year – is right around the corner!

But before you dip an apple in honey, eat pomegranates or stare the dead fish in the eyes – it’s time to wish your loved ones a Chag Sameach (happy holiday) and Shana Tova (happy new year).

Not just with words… but with actions.

And by actions, I mean Rosh Hashanah flowers!

Whether you’re looking for a table centerpiece, a beautiful bouquet for a loved one or a thoughtful Rosh Hashanah gift for your hostess – these gorgeous flowers arrangements will help you do just that…

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