15+ Unique Rosh Hashanah Favors & Party Supplies for the Jewish New Year (2022)

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Decorating your Rosh Hashanah table is great and all…

But what happens when the dinner is over? That’s it? Party over? 

It’s one thing to send your guests home with their tummies full. But if you really want them to remember your Rosh Hashanah dinner – even after the wine wears off – you’ve got to give them really good reasons to remember it… 

Did I say good reasons? I meant really good Rosh Hashanah favors

These unique party supplies and giveaways will guarantee that your guests will remember your Rosh Hashanah dinner party long after the blowing of the Shofar.

Rosh Hashanah DIY Party Supplies

Rosh Hashanah Diy Party Supplies

Bottles, silverware, napkins…

These are all mundane supplies you’d normally expect on any Rosh Hashanah dinner.

Question is: how do you turn the mundane into the unforgettable?

Simple: dress them in Rosh Hashanah “clothing”.

This DIY kit includes dozens of wrappers and stickers that can turn the most ordinary supplies on your table into extraordinary Rosh Hashanah-themed supplies.

We all dress up for Rosh Hashanah… why expect any different from our party supplies?

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Rosh Hashanah Photo Booth Props

Rosh Hashanah Photo Booth Props
  1. Say “cheese”! (click)
  2. Say “apple & honey” while wearing Apple glasses and funny mustache!

Tell me: which of these sounds more exciting

It’s no contest! (besides… cheese? On a Rosh Hashanah meal? Oy vey!)

These photo booth props are the ultimate way to make your Rosh Hashanah dinner party stand out. 

Unlike most party favors, when you use photo booth props – you’re giving your guests a different kind of souvenir: you’re giving them memories.

A few days, months, years from now – they’ll look back at those hilarious pictures they took at your party table and wish Rosh Hashana came more often.

Important: Taking photos during Rosh Hashanah is technically forbidden. If you or other guests observe the Jewish holiday laws, you may want to skip the photo booth props.

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Rosh Hashanah Hand Made Honey Bee Lollipops

Rosh Hashanah Hand Made Honey Bee Lollipops

Lollipop, lollipop oh Lolli lollipop 🎵🎵🎵…


Hey! Mr. Bee! How dare you interrupt me in the middle of a song! 

What’s a bee doing on a Rosh Hashanah table anyway?! 

Well then, Mr. bee… prepare to be eaten!

These delicious Rosh Hashanah honey bee lollipops would liven up any Rosh Hashanah dinner table.

They’re cute, hand-made and buzzingly delicious!

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Rosh Hashanah Mini Candy Bar Wrappers Kit

Rosh Hashanah Mini Candy Bar Wrappers Kit

“Shana Tova Umetuka!” is the most common blessing you’ll hear on Rosh Hashanah…

(Translation: “Have a happy and sweet new year!”)

But you’ll rarely see someone turn that blessing into reality.

With these candy bar wrappers and stickers, you can turn candy into “Rosh Hashanah candy”.

Now that’s a SWEET new year!

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All in One Sugar Art Cookie Kit for Rosh Hashanah

Brilliant All In One Paint A Cookie Kit Rosh Hashanah

Dear guest, do you prefer art or cookies? 

That’s a weird (and evil) choice, ain’t it?

Don’t worry, you’re not going to force them to choose. They can have both in one kit!

That’s right: with this Rosh Hashanah cookie decoration kit, your guests can design their own Rosh Hashanah cookies!

  • 2 Rosh Hashanah-themed cookies
  • Edible glue (that’s right)
  • Color sugar
  • A paintbrush

You can eat the glue. You can eat the colors. Just don’t eat the paintbrush…

Your guests will absolutely LOVE these! And I’m not even talking about the kids. Adults will love them! (sure, kids too)

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Shana Tova Honey Straw

Shana Tovah Honey Straw

You:Can I get a drink?”

Guest: “No thanks, I’ll just have the straw…”

You: Huh?

Normally, this conversation wouldn’t make any sense (unless they’re already drunk).

But when you greet your guests with these cool honey straws… all of a sudden the world makes sense again.

Now that’s what I call a Rosh Hashanah favor with flavor!

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Plastic Toy Shofar with Natural Color Design

Plastic Toy Shofar With Natural Color Design

Getting everyone a real Shofar would be too expensive… so toy Shofars it is! 

Don’t worry… It looks real (with a natural Ram’s horn Shofar color), it sounds real (yes, it makes a sound when blown), and it makes Rosh Hashanah much more special for the little ones.

Just make sure to set some ground rules if you don’t want a Shofar blast competition before you got a chance to dip the apple in honey.

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Shana Tova Mug

Shana Tova Mug

Coffee or tea? 

A good host makes the guest a hot drink at the end of the meal.

An amazing gives the guest a coffee/tea mug at the end of the meal. Not just any mug, but a Rosh Hashanah mug with a “Shana Tova” blessing written on it.

The thing is, as soon as Rosh Hashanah is over, we all go back to “reality”: we wake up exhausted every morning, get ready for work, prepare the kids for school. We boil the kettle and make a cup of coffee/tea to help us get through the day.

Then all of a sudden you notice: 

Oh, look! “Shana Tova” is written on my mug. Maybe this day would a good one after all 🙂

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Rosh Hashanah Coasters Set

Rosh Hashanah Coasters Set

You can take it one step further: serve the drink on top of a Rosh Hashanah coaster!

And if you’re feeling extra generous – you can even surprise your guests and give them the coaster as a gift (or keep it for yourself, because they’re just too cool). 

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When I Dip You Dip Shirt

When I Dip You Dip Shirt

I don’t know if this shirt is funny, cute, or romantic… probably a combination of all three. 

But I do know this: your guests would never see this shirt coming! It takes a creative person to give his guest witty Rosh Hashanah-themed shirts like these as a souvenir.

It teaches your guests an important rule: When I dip, you dip.

In other words: nobody gets to dip before the host, got it?!

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Rosh Hashanah Tie

Rosh Hashanah Tie

It takes a creative person to give away a funny Rosh Hashanah shirt.

But it takes a whacky fella to give his guests a Rosh Hashanah tie?

This tie is ridiculous. And that’s the beauty of it!

And you know what’s funny? The price is a little ridiculous, too.

But maybe you’re a little whacky! Maybe you like doing ridiculous things… like giving your guests these unique, overpriced ties for Rosh Hashanah? (don’t push it though… it’s not worth spending hundreds of dollars on these things)

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Rosh Hashanah Mini Honey Jars

Rosh Hashanah Favor Mini Honey Jars

How do you ensure your guests will continue having a Shana Tova when they leave? 

The answer: give em’ a few of these mini Rosh Hashanah honey jars! 

  1. Spread them on your holiday table so your guests can dip their apple in the honey jar
  2. Spread them inside Rosh Hashanah favor bags*, and give them away so your guests can dip lots and lots of apples even when they get back home!

Where the heck do you get Rosh Hashanah Favor bags?

C’mon, you don’t seriously believe I’ll let you leave empty-handed and disappointed?

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Rosh Hashanah Favor Boxes

Rosh Hashanah Favor Boxes

Finally, where do you put all of these wonderful Rosh Hashanah favors? In Rosh Hashanah favor boxes of course!

Tip: Please don’t just use a random plastic bag… that’s not exactly “happy-new-year” material…

Just like when you get a new iPhone: the experience starts with the packaging. Only this time… you don’t just get an Apple… you get an Apple & honey!

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Most people spend hours (or days) planning an amazing Rosh Hashanah dinner: they prepare luxurious meals, decorate the Rosh Hashanah table as if the queen is coming, buy their loved ones awesome Rosh Hashanah gifts.

Yet, hardly anyone spends any time thinking about party favors. That’s a shame…

You’d be surprised what a Rosh Hashanah favors can do to a Rosh Hashanah dinner party.

So do your guests a favor… and give them cool Rosh Hashanah favors :).

Shana Tova!

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